• An Open Letter To My Mini Dictator

    The Toddler Years – An Open Letter To My Mini Dictator

    Hello again! Welcome back to my blog series – The Toddler Years. You can read the opening post to this series here to find out what it’s all about. Today I have a guest post from the amazing Shan from shanelliswilliams.com This incredible lady is powered by coffee beans and you should definitely go check out her story. She’s an amazing Mum and a fantastic human being. I don’t feel like I need to tell you any more, here’s Shan’s post. An Open Letter To My Mini Dictator Dear son, Take five. A little breather and a sit down. Just for a moment, stop what you’re doing, your toys don’t need to be…

  • An Open Letter To The Girl On The Bench
    My Diary

    An Open Letter To The Girl On The Bench

    You could only have been 19. Sat outside the shops on the bench next to me, pouring your heart out to who I can only presume is your Dad. Saying he doesn’t care but it’s clear that he does; he’s there and he’s listening, letting your snarky remarks bounce off him like rain. By the sounds of it, you’re blinded by love. We’ve all been there but sometimes we get caught up wearing those rose tinted glasses and the outside world doesn’t see what we do; the outside world sees it clearly. Your Dad is desperately trying to talk some sense into you, to get you to leave him; the…
