• My Diary

    Covid-19 – An Open Letter To Everyone

    To whoever reads this. Covid-19 (Corona Virus) is a little hard to ignore right now. It’s not something we ever thought was possible, it’s a movie plot! Nothing seems real at the moment. Every morning I wake up and for those first few seconds I’ve forgotten what’s going on in the world. It’s bliss. I soon remember though and that sinking feeling creeps back in. I live in an area that hasn’t been hit properly by it yet. But it’s coming this way. I’m sure it won’t be long before the local hospital announces its first cases and sadly, first deaths. Mostly, I’m a positive person but even I’m a…

  • self-care
    My Diary

    10 Self-Care Ideas To Improve Your Mental Wellbeing

    I’ve started a Positivity Challenge over on Instagram this week and I’m hoping to make it a monthly thing. I think positivity and self-care go hand in hand and not enough people make time for themselves. I’m not a mental health blogger and I definitely don’t profess to be an expert but I am one of the 1 in 4 people that has/has had issues with their mental health. I’m generally in a good place these days, I have amazing people around me, a job that I enjoy and life is good. That’s not always been the case though and I do still have what I call “down days” where…
