10 Self-Care Ideas To Improve Your Mental Wellbeing
I’ve started a Positivity Challenge over on Instagram this week and I’m hoping to make it a monthly thing. I think positivity and self-care go hand in hand and not enough people make time for themselves.
I’m not a mental health blogger and I definitely don’t profess to be an expert but I am one of the 1 in 4 people that has/has had issues with their mental health.
I’m generally in a good place these days, I have amazing people around me, a job that I enjoy and life is good. That’s not always been the case though and I do still have what I call “down days” where I just want to hide away, curl up in a ball and cry. These are usually associated with my back problems which you can read about Here and Here.
But anyway.. This is why I feel so strongly that self-care is an important part of life. Are you having a bit of a crappy day? Here are my self-care tips to make you feel a little bit better:
1. Have a bath or a long shower.
2. Sit with the lights off in the evening but have some candles burning instead.
3. Watch your favourite film.
4. Meditate. This sounds a little corny but honestly just sitting with your eyes closed and blanking your mind is really relaxing! Just give it a go. If sitting still isn’t for you then:
5. Exercise. Going for a run can really clear the cobwebs.
6. Go for a walk. Beach, field, city centre, it doesn’t matter, just get outside.
7. Eat your favourite food.
8. Sit and people watch. Watch the world pass you by for a while.
9. Have a chat with someone. Loneliness is at epidemic levels which is ridiculous given we live in the age of SOCIAL media but nothing can beat a good old face to face conversation.
10. Give yourself a makeover. This may sound a little childish but I love doing this. There are mornings I get my makeup out and do something completely new. I quite often spend the day cleaning afterwards but I do it feeling good!
So there’s my self-care tips for a little you time. Just trying some of these really simple activities can make a massive difference to how you feel. We are all so busy with daily life that we forget to look after number one.
Try it and let me know how you get on in the comments below.

Such a great list! Literally not a single point that I don’t love. I do all of these myself but I’ve never classed giving myself a little makeover as self-care but I do love doing it so I think I’ll re-class it going forward 🙂
Really enjoyed reading this! Great ideas xx
Great list and I really hope you got some of that TLC you needed today!
Love this list. My favourite is the going for a walk one. Sometimes just having some space helps! Have a great day
Carly Bloggs
Thank you hun! Sometimes the simplest things can be the most effective.
Joan Senio
I love any post that encourages people to take care of themselves. I think many of us don’t realize that we really need to be kind to ourselves before we can be our best for others. Thanks for a nice post, Carly!
My main problem is that I always resort to tip #7 and never #5 lol
Carly Bloggs
Snap! 😂
It’s so important to remember to take time for yourself – I know I’m guilty of letting stress get the better of me! This was such a helpful post! x
Han | lifewithhan.blog
Rachael Hope
I love tip number 2 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing Carly. I always know i’m in for a treat when I stop by your blog!
Rach x
Carly Bloggs
Aw thank you my lovely!! That’s very sweet of you x
I love this! I suffer from anxiety and depression. When I do not do something to get myself out of it I just fall deeper. These are great ideas to help with both issues. Thanks for sharing!
Carly Bloggs
I’m glad you liked it. Thank you x