• My Diary

    My New Year Revelation

    We’re in that weird, no man’s land of time, between Christmas and New Year. Nobody knows what day it is or what they’re supposed to be doing. It’s given me a chance to think though. I’ve had a New Year Revelation! I started my blog off the back of my Instagram page but it has evolved over the years. I have recently lost love for Instagram though. It’s hard to get decent engagement and without spending 24/7 on the app, it’s almost impossible to build a following. Because of this, I’ve decided that 2020 will be the year I finally use Instagram for what I wanted in the first place.…

  • My Diary

    That Weird Week

    Another year is nearly over and we’re currently in that weird week between Christmas and New Year where you don’t really know what to do with yourself or what day it even is. I’m failing miserably at getting back on the Slimming bandwagon but desperate to get back on the yoga train as I literally hurt everywhere! I think the food side I can slowly work on as I clear the crap food from the house and start to refill my fruit bowl with actual fruit instead of chocolate oranges and the pile of sweets that it is currently housing. The exercise part is going to start again today though;…
