My Diary

My New Year Revelation

We’re in that weird, no man’s land of time, between Christmas and New Year. Nobody knows what day it is or what they’re supposed to be doing. It’s given me a chance to think though. I’ve had a New Year Revelation!

I started my blog off the back of my Instagram page but it has evolved over the years. I have recently lost love for Instagram though. It’s hard to get decent engagement and without spending 24/7 on the app, it’s almost impossible to build a following. Because of this, I’ve decided that 2020 will be the year I finally use Instagram for what I wanted in the first place.

My idea was always to have a general Instagram account. A place I could share all my thoughts and review whatever I wanted. Food was the thing that worked from the offset though. It was the reason I grew so quickly and so I stuck with it. It’s still the thing that gets the most engagement but I’m bored of it. I’ve been having a bit of a break recently due to my hectic life. Do you know what the nicest thing has been about it? Eating hot food! I’m not stood taking a million pictures with my ring light in the kitchen.

New Year Revelation - A phone with the screen open on Instagram

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to post about food! I’m a foodie, it’s what I enjoy. I’m still going to develop recipes and review places. Currently, I’m studying diet and nutrition and will have a qualification to advise people eventually. So this will be included in my Instagram posts too hopefully. I just don’t want it to be entirely food based.

So much has happened this year and my New Year Revelation is the fact I want to share more of this. I always hope that by sharing my experiences it will help someone else. When I shared my smear and Colposcopy experiences, I got so much great feedback. It even prompted some women to go for their first smears.

Being diagnosed with a chronic condition has also prompted this change. I’ve looked to try and find people with the same condition online but there doesn’t seem to be many. I am sure it’s quite common though and I hope by sharing my experience, it might help someone else feel less alone.

This year I’ve really got into my photography more and I’d like to share more of that too. I find it really relaxing (unless I’m trying to take pictures of my kids!) and I’m getting pretty good. Even if I do say so myself. Positivity has always been a part of my Instagram. I struggled quite badly with remaining in that mindset towards the end of this year. The only thing I seemed to feel was sadnees but I’m pleased to say I’m now out of that funk.

New Year Revelation - a small boat centrerd in the sunlight on the sea with rocks silhouetted in front.

I want to get back to writing for my blog and Instagram will be alongside it rather than in the forefront. If you don’t already follow me then click the link on this page. That way you can keep up with the goings on.

So that is my New Year Revelation, what’s yours? Are you one for setting resolutions?

And I just want to start the New Year by saying thank you. Thank you to everyone who has read any of my posts this year. I’m always grateful to anyone who has taken the time out to read my blog. If you want to support me even more, you can always buy me a coffee by clicking the Ko-fi button below.

Thanks again and see you in 2020! Bring it on!

My New Year Revelation - how I'm making changes in the New Year
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