• My Diary

    10 Things I’ve Learnt In My Early 30’s

    This week I turned 33! I’m starting to feel old at times now but I don’t see it as a bad thing. I feel older but I also feel wiser and happier than I’ve ever been. Last year I wrote a 32 Things I’ve Learnt In 32 Years post so this year I’ve decided to reflect on the 10 things I’ve learnt in my early 30’s instead. I may struggle to come up with 10 things but I’ll give it a go! One – Life is short. 33 years has passed so quickly. 2019 literally flew by, I have no idea where it went. One minute it was January, then…

  • My Diary

    My New Year Revelation

    We’re in that weird, no man’s land of time, between Christmas and New Year. Nobody knows what day it is or what they’re supposed to be doing. It’s given me a chance to think though. I’ve had a New Year Revelation! I started my blog off the back of my Instagram page but it has evolved over the years. I have recently lost love for Instagram though. It’s hard to get decent engagement and without spending 24/7 on the app, it’s almost impossible to build a following. Because of this, I’ve decided that 2020 will be the year I finally use Instagram for what I wanted in the first place.…

  • My Diary

    32 Things I’ve Learnt In 32 Years

    It was my birthday this week so I figured I’d do a “what I’ve learnt” post like I see so often around people’s birthdays. Most of the time though, the bloggers who do these posts are 10 years younger than me! I’m actually not sure if I can think of 32 things I’ve learnt…. I’ve certainly forgotten more than than that these days! Well, I’ll give it a go anyway….. 32 Things I’ve Learnt in 32 Years 1. I’ve become happier the older I’ve got. 2. Life can be shit at times. 3. You get through the shit times. 4. I can eat healthily. 5. I often don’t want to…

  • My Diary

    31st July 2017

    The Sad Step It’s been a while since I’ve written in the diary section but I feel like I need to today. If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen me having a whinge today about “being so good” and the scales not moving. After weighing myself for the 3rd time today, and actually being down 4lb again I’ve realised that I need to stop!
