Campfire Pasta
This is one of those recipes that I threw together with the scrapings in the fridge on the off chance it might work. It turned out to be one of the best pasta dishes I’ve made in ages so I’m REALLY glad I wrote it all down as I went along!
Campfire Pasta is based on an old slimming classic called Campfire Stew which I have made a lot in the past. Both dishes are simple but pack in loads of flavour!
I made mine gluten free but you can of course change it and use the normal ingredients.
Ingredients (Serves 4)
- 1 Onion
- 1 Pepper
- 4 slices of smoked ham or 2 rashers of bacon with fat removed
- 4 low fat chipolata sausages (I used Aldi’s chicken ones)
- Half a tin of baked beans
- 400g passata
- 100ml of water
- 2 tbsp of tomato puree
- 1 tbsp of Worcester sauce (mine is gluten free)
- 2 tsp of balsamic vinegar
- 2 tsp of paprika
- 1 tsp of mild chilli powder
- A pinch of garlic powder
- A pinch of salt and pepper
- Enough pasta to feed a small army (or however much you use for 4 people)
Firstly, start by cooking your sausages. The skinny chicken ones only need about 10 minutes so while they’re cooking, roughly chop your onion, pepper and ham/bacon.
Once the sausages are cooked then slice them too.
Warm a large frying pan over a medium heat and spray with low calorie cooking spray. Once warmed add the onion and fry for a couple of minutes then add the pepper. Fry for another minute or so then add the ham and sausage.
Add the beans, passata and about half the water and give it all a good stir. Next, add the spices, Worcester sauce, tomato puree, vinegar, salt and pepper and garlic powder and stir it all in. Add the rest of the water if needed then simmer for 10-15 minutes while you cook your pasta.
You might find you need to gradually add the extra water in as the sauce starts to thicken or you might not need it.
Once the pasta is cooked, chuck it in with your sauce and stir well, making sure it’s all coated.
Serve and enjoy!
I added a little chilli cheese in with mine for an extra kick but the kids stuck with some cheddar.
If you like this recipe then please do leave a comment OR you can always Pin the below image and save it for later!

One Comment
This sounds delicious! I’ve never thought to use baked beans in a pasta dosh before. Thanks for sharing your recipe.