Uber Sonic – Toothbrush Review
Uber Sonic aren’t a brand I’d ever heard of before. Let’s face it though, unless it’s made by Colgate or Braun, I’m not going to know of any other electric toothbrush makes as they’re not constantly shoved in your face. Still, I jumped at the chance to give this a go as I actually still lived in the dark ages and had a manual toothbrush!
Uber Sonic promote themselves as the iPhone of the toothbrush world as the body is made from lightweight brushed aluminium, the same as the phones. It looks really modern and is indeed lightweight and comfortable to hold. The interchangeable plastic heads are a little wider than I would like, I can’t close my mouth around it while brushing so I do dribble a little bit but I’ve got used to it the more I use it.
This is a vibrating electric toothbrush and there’s nothing fancy about the brush heads, they don’t rotate or anything but then for the price I wouldn’t expect them to. The brush size is great, it’s big enough to clean each tooth perfectly.
I think my favourite feature is the fact it stops vibrating for a split second every 30 seconds to remind you to change sides. I know myself that I can get quite distracted while brushing my teeth (I’m quite often posting on Instagram as it’s the only time I get 2 minutes to myself in the morning!) so it wakes me up a bit! It also automatically turns itself off after 2 minutes.
There is nowhere in the booklet that tells you how long to charge it for. Mine was still going after 14 hours and then I had to take it off charge. That was a good 3 weeks ago now and the battery is still going strong so even though it takes a while to charge it does last.
I also got sent a teeth whitening kit which I was really apprehensive to try. It comes with 2 gum shield looking contraptions and a syringe containing bleach.
I was apprehensive because I have quite white teeth anyway and I have never wanted to mess around too much when my teeth are in a good condition. I gave it a go anyway.
Though I have white teeth, they are far from straight so I did struggle to get the gum shields to shape properly. In fact, I didn’t manage it. Still, I persevered and filled the grooves I had managed to make with the bleach and popped them in place in my mouth. The instructions said to make sure you had bleach all over your teeth which was quite difficult, the sheilds are clear but so is the bleach. The other problem is you have to have the sheilds in for at least half an hour/up to an hour….. You can’t swallow without getting a taste of bleach so you have to sit dribbling for the whole time. Not the most pleasant look.
The next day my teeth were quite sensitive and drinking my morning coffee through a straw so it didn’t stain my teeth was not my idea of fun!
I did notice that my teeth were slightly whiter but only in the places I’m missing a layer of enamel thanks to my retainer brace as a teenager.
I haven’t bothered trying for a second time, I’ll stick to whitening toothpaste.
The initial package with a toothbrush, 1 refill head and the teeth whitening kit is available online and priced at £19 which is really reasonable. You can then sign up to receive brand new heads throughout the year and they actually replace the whole brush and send another whitening kit once a year too. You can cancel the subscription at any time so you’re not tied in.
I really like this brush and I feel it’s doing a great job on my teeth.
To buy your own one, go have a look at the Uber Sonic website HERE