The Toddler Years – Not How I Planned It
Hello again! Welcome to another edition of The Toddler Years.
I’ve really enjoyed this series and this is going to be the penultimate one…. For now anyway. You can go back and read the previous ones by clicking HERE and following the links back.
But anyway, today we have a post from Cici who blogs over at https://themostrewardinglife.com so go and check her out.
Cici is a Mum to 4 but has 2 toddlers! She’s one brave and incredible lady in my eyes.
Not How I Planned It
It’s currently 6:25 am as I’m writing this. Not while you’re reading this I’m sure, though. Why am I up writing so early? Because in a few short moments, my toddlers will be awake and will take over my last day off this week. I’m honestly surprised they stayed in their own beds last night. Lately, at least one of them will be squeezed in between me and my husband when I wake up in the morning.
My monsters, often mistaken for twins at 17 months apart, are 3 (the youngest of 3 boys) and 2 (the only girl in the bunch. Yikes). Most of the time they are each other’s favorite people, full of affection and playing wonderfully together. Other times it becomes a war of epic proportions in our home because ”He took that from me” or ”She’s looking at me”.
For now, I’m enjoying the quiet before the storm. Once the sun finishes rising in the sky, tiny feet that cause way too much noise for their size will come bounding into the room asking for snacks and Paw Patrol. No, Mickey Mouse. No, Paw Patrol! MICKEY MOUSE! But no one wants breakfast. They just want a snack, and I dare not call it anything else.
My son is an energetic blur of goofiness; my daughter a quiet, mischievous yet silly girl. They might look like their father, sure, but the attitude, the sass, the sarcasm, the sneakiness: all me. They are almost literally tiny versions of myself. I should go apologize to my mother.
Today, I plan to use my day off to tackle a lengthy to-do list full of rather ”adult-like” things: laundry, errands, writing, maybe even read a bit. My monsters will soon be awake laughing at that plan. There are no plans when there are toddlers present. You just kind of stand back and throw fruit snacks at them and pray that you can load the washing machine before the Baby Shark song goes off. (If you somehow don’t yet know what that is, whatever you do, DO NOT let your toddlers hear it! Trust me on this one.)
Today, I will instead play referee, coach, teacher, dance instructor, test subject, trampoline, master chef, and of course, Mom. Kisser of boo-boos, shoe tier extraordinaire, booger collector, and hug hander outer. Being a parent to two toddlers is a balancing act that takes loads of skill that only comes with experience, and often it can be downright frightening. It’s also been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences of my life.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I hear the clunkity clunk of four tiny feet.
~ Cici ~
Thanks Cici! I totally agree with the Baby Shark song. If you haven’t heard it, DON’T!
Cici’s social media links are below so go give her a follow. Join us again in a couple of weeks where I will be closing the series!