My Diary

Christmas Survival Tips

Losing weight is hard no matter what time of the year it is but Christmas has got to be the hardest by far! Everything you do around this time of the year revolves around food and drink: Christmas parties, drinks with friends and even popping to see family usually includes a mince pie or three.

Christmas Survival Guide

Last year I managed to stay within my target range and only gained 5lb. I feel I’m going to struggle a bit more this year just because I’m not at the bottom end of target like I was last time so I don’t have as much to play with and now it’s less than 2 weeks till the big day!

Nonetheless, here’s my 5 tips on how to limit Christmas damage!

1) Be good where you can.

This may seem a bit obvious but honestly it works! Staying “on plan” as often as you can is key. I’ve always been a firm believer in getting back on the wagon as soon as you’ve fallen off and forgetting about what happened and nothing should change over Christmas. You are better off having 3/4 good days than none at all.

2) Be alcohol wise

This sounds like a Drink Aware advert but I promise it’s not! Just be aware of the calorie content of what you’re drinking. A large glass of white wine can contain 228 calories! whereas a 35ml shot of gin is 72, so you could have 3 gin and slimline tonics in the place of 1 glass of wine! I know which I’d rather have.

3) You can say “No”

Everyone will offer you everything, drinks, cakes, nibbles, it’s going to happen. Don’t feel obligated to eat everything you are offered though, you do have the ability to say no. My favourite excuse for turning food down is that I don’t like it. With some things I have actually convinced myself I don’t like it when I actually do, mince pies being my example. I have said it so many times that I genuinely don’t buy them!

Christmas Survival Guide

4) Don’t wait till January

A lot of people do have the mentality of “sod it, it’s Christmas, I’ll start again in January”. The only thing with doing it this way is that instead of only having half a stone extra to lose in the New Year you could have double that or more! You’re definitely better off following it as well as you can.

And finally

5) Enjoy it!

One thing I hate seeing on Instagram is Food Guilt. There are so many people that have an “off plan” meal or snack and they mentally destroy themselves for it. Please stop doing this people! You are human and you are allowed to enjoy food, good or bad!

At the end of the day, it’s Christmas and it only comes once a year.

Have a good one!

Christmas Survival Tips
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