Feeding The Small Humans
Once upon a time, well, a couple of years ago. I would have said my then 8 year old was a fussy eater. She would only eat things in breadcrumbs or other plain and boring, beige food. Every so often she would eat spag bol but it would be pot luck if she ate either the pasta or the bolognese. She never seemed to like both parts at any one time.
It was a complete nightmare. I used to have to base my meals around what she would eat, which usually meant it would be something not very healthy. I blame myself (and her Dad) for this as I was a lazy cook! My idea of cooking from fresh was opening a jar of Dolmio and maybe adding some chopped onion to the mince before adding the jar of sauce.
I never really got taught how to cook and when I left home I couldn’t even crack an egg properly. That tells you everything about my previous cooking skills. Over the years I slowly taught myself a few recipes but I never really enjoyed cooking. It was just another chore but since starting a diet plan in January 2016 I found a new love for it and cooking from fresh now means just that! I have seen my love for food slowly rub off on my daughter too though.
She started off just by helping stir sauces I had made. That slowly led to her frying off onions and chicken. Then, in the last couple of weeks, these little skills have led to her cooking dinners for the family by herself. (Supervised by myself of course).
It’s amazing how something as simple as letting her help me cook has changed her attitude to food completely. She has tried so many different foods now and will eat pretty much anything that is put in front of her. I would never have thought I would be eating a curry with my little family! That used to be something reserved for Mr and I on a Friday night because “Little Miss wouldn’t eat that” but now THIS recipe is a firm family favourite!
It’s a totally different story for my Mini Man though, he’s been eating healthy meals since he was weaned. But he is a different kind of fussy eater. I can put a curry, chilli or bolognese in front of him and he will demolish the lot; veg, meat and carbs. If I was to put a roast dinner in front of him, it’s a different story. He won’t eat plain meat or veg for some reason but, will eat raw veg straight off my chopping board.
I have found that it really does seem to make a difference to what kids will eat if they are involved in making it. Tonight I got them to make their own pitta bread pizzas.
Mini Man is 19 months old and thoroughly enjoyed helping to make his pizza. He was eating the toppings as they went on. I’m not going to worry about him eating a bit of extra cheese and pepper though!
When I dished them up I explained that “this is what you made” and he honestly looked quite proud of himself. He ate the whole thing as well as a few homemade chips and it’s all healthy!
In future I am going to make more effort to involve my kids in the preparation of their meals. They both enjoy helping and the extra set of hands is always helpful! Even if they are pinching the vegetables as you’re prepping them. I want them to have a healthy relationship with food and what better way of teaching them!

parenting life
This is wonderful, I cant wait until my little one a bit older so he could help with the cooking. Right now helping doing the dish and and laundry time is his favorite
Karen Lanzetta
Yes, it always is helpful to help kids cook and they are way more capable than we sometimes give them credit for.
As a mom of eight, all with the same parenting, I can attest to the fact that it doesn’t really matter that much what you do. Some will be picky, some will not. Some will eat vegetables, some will turn green at the idea of having anything remotely green touch their mouth. Some will like to cook, some will get a part time job and order in for pizza…
So enjoy your cooking daughter and give your son space to develop his own tastes. It will all work out in the end!
Karen | https;//www.OurCarpeDiem.com
Carly Bloggs
Wow!! 8 of them???? You are a supermum! My daughter would only eat nuggets once upon a time so she’s come a long way! Hopefully the toddler’s tastes will get better too.