Getting The Perfect Beach Body In 1 Simple Step
Getting the perfect beach body is so simple!
I don’t really understand how more people aren’t promoting this to be honest.
Though there has been a rise in carrying out this step, it seems more people still need to know. So here it is… I am going to teach you my trick to getting the perfect beach body in 1 simple step!
Put on some swimwear!
I know, I know, clickbait at its best. But honestly, it’s the only way to do it!
So many people have an issue with swimwear and I can totally relate. I always did too. Especially when you’re at the beach or pool, surrounded my skinny Minnie’s who have never dieted in their life. Or so you think…
Did you know that 50% of women across the world are on a diet right now? That a LOT of women that are unhappy about their size. Which means it’s a lot of women who won’t put on swimwear. Or if they do, they feel very uncomfortable about it.
You are not the only one who longs for getting the perfect beach body. We try dieting, exercising, starving ourselves, juicing…. The list goes on!
There is no “best way” of getting the perfect beach body though. Not until you learn to love what you’ve got.
It’s not easy to do, trust me. But accepting you are never going to look like a [airbrushed] model on a tropical beach is the first step.
This is me in my new swimsuit that was gifted to me by Hunkemoller.
Once upon a time I would have hated how this looks! I would have wanted something that covered the tops of my legs. A shorts tankini was my go to swimwear of choice. But why? Why was I so desperate to cover up AND STILL pick myself to pieces.
The old me would look at this photo and say-
My legs look so chunky and cellulitey.
It clings to my wobbly belly too much.
My boobs look so flat.
It makes my shoulders look really wide and manly.
But what would you say? Why would I say such nasty things about myself when you guys would be so lovely?
It’s taken a lot of work against my own head but me now looks at this and says: Wow!
It flatters my belly thanks to the folds.
The shape of the neckline helps make my boobs look bigger because I am pretty flat chested. But that’s OK, bigger boobs would just add to my back issues.
My legs look really long thanks the the cut of this swimsuit.
The straps are a nice width and definitely don’t make my shoulders look broader.
We are our own worst critics!
Most people on the beach or at the pool are too busy enjoying themselves to care about what you look like. If anyone does make a comment, or give a look… That’s their problem not yours! No one has the right to judge you and feel free to tell them that.
I think getting the perfect beach body is all in your head. It’s a confidence thing. For me, finding a good swimsuit or bikini really helps. Something that flatters the bits of me I like the least makes me feel far more confident. I’m never going to feel comfortable in a bandage style swimsuit with cut out bits everywhere. Cover my mum tum a little though and I’m ready to strut!
Confidence doesn’t come overnight. It does take work but you have to start by accepting your body. It does amazing things every day and always remember that!
Hunkemoller has a huge range of swimwear and the quality is excellent. There’s definitely something to suit everyone. Head over to their website to have a look www.hunkemoller.co.uk
Now go! Spread the word on getting the perfect beach body! But mostly, just have fun.

*Swimwear was gifted to me by Hunkemoller. All words are my own.

Sandrs Ans
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and smile filled photos! You look great! I would love to find some pictures with explanations for which body type and problem zones – which swimming suit is the best. Maybe you can think about this?! I would love to understand this theme more! And before summer a lot of womens would love to find a way how to look better without a diet. 🙂
Carly Bloggs
Thank you for commenting. There isn’t a way of finding the best swimsuit it is literally trial and error. Not everyone fits into a typical “body shape” and not everyone likes/dislikes the same part of their body. It’s all about finding what you are comfortable in and learning to love yourself. x
Louise Roberts
Made me cry. 😢😍😍😍 Feeling so fat and dumpy and despondent. Thanks for blogging Carly and reminding me to go easier on myself. X
Carly Bloggs
You are beautiful Louise!! Just remember what your body has, and does every day for you. It’s amazing and so are you x