The Top 7 Tag
We’re almost a month in to 2019 already! Can time please slow down now. Saying that, I also want it to be summer as I’m fed up of the cold!
Anyway, the lovely Parenting Phils tagged me to do the Top 7 Tag which is basically a little recap of 2018 and the things I’m looking forward to in 2019.
2018 was a good year for me. I re-launched my blog as self-hosting and really made a go of it. This has lead me to meet some amazing people who I genuinely love talking to.
Let’s crack on with the first 7 then:
My Top 7 Posts From 2018
First up is one of my favourite beauty posts:
5 Hair & Beauty Hacks For Lazy People
I genuinely had fun writing this one! Although I did worry what people would think of me a little bit. It got a great reception when I posted it though and I know some people did try a couple of my tips.
I would love to do another post like this so let me know if you have any hacks I can try myself!
My favourite recipe discovery of 2018. I found out I was gluten intolerant in the summer and this was something I used to make with a pre-packaged mix. Given I could no longer eat that I had to find an alternative. This version is much healthier and the toddler will eat it which is a miracle these days!
5 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started Blogging
I’ve had a couple of blogging wobbles since going self-hosted. The only reason I haven’t packed it all in at times is because I’ve paid out for a years’ hosting. Well that’s not entirely true. I do actually really enjoy it and putting my heart and soul into it does have its rewards.
I wrote this so new bloggers, old bloggers and everyone who reads my blog understands just how much goes into it. These are my top tips basically.
My Top 5 Pet Peeves With Blogging
And a month after writing my top tips…. I wrote about what P’s me off with blogging. This felt so good to write and it’s amazing how many bloggers agreed.
Most of the time everything is lovely in the blogging world but every so often you get something that causes some turbulence.
I’ve put the link to the first of this series but there were 7 in total. This was the first time I’d ever had guest posters on my blog and it was great! 1) Because I didn’t have to think about what to write. And 2) It was brilliant reading other people’s perspective of raising toddlers.
A Lazy Girl’s Guide To A No Makeup, Makeup Look
Essentially, I just wrote down my daily makeup routine. I really liked my photography in this one though. It was the first time I’d used my new DSLR properly for blog photography.
What can I say about this one… Good company, good food, good film. I enjoyed the research a lot! Just looking at the above picture makes me want onion rings all over again!
7 Things I Loved In 2018
- Taking my blog seriously. I’m so proud of what I achieved last year and I really hope that this year will be even better!
- Spending quality time with my little family. We had some good times and made amazing memories in 2018.
- Seeing my babies go to school. My daughter started High School (which has actually been quite stressful and I may well blog about!) and little man started pre-school! (Which I thought was going to be horrific but he loves it!)
- Finding out was was causing my stomach issues! I’ve lived with it for as long as I can remember and it’s honestly been life changing to find out gluten was my main problem. I have since found out Dairy can also cause me problems.
- The summer! We had such extreme weather in 2018! Snow like when I was a kid in February then the hottest summer ever! I had such a good tan.
- Training at work. I am the company’s in house trainer and I absolutely love it! I’m glad I took on the role and it gives me more to do than just admin.
- Starting my Bullet Journal. I haven’t used it that much but I love writing out my monthly goals and doodling. It’s given me another hobby that works alongside blogging.
7 Things I’m Looking Forward To In 2019
- My Other Half’s 30th Birthday. We’ve got nothing planned yet but I love birthday’s and I think I’m more excited about it than him. Maybe it’s just because he’ll then be in his 30’s too and I won’t feel so old!
- The Summer. What can I say, I worship the sun.
- Our Anniversary. We are planning a night in London child free and I can’t wait!
- A holiday. I’d like to try and get abroad at some point this year but it’ll probably end up being a caravan somewhere. They’re still awesome holidays though so I’d be happy with that.
- Taking my daughter to Thorpe Park! She went on her first “upside down rollercoaster” in 2018 so this year we’re going for the big guns! I love Thorpe Park and haven’t been for nearly 5 years.
- Working with more brands. I’ve done a few Instagram things over the years but I’d love to do more on my blog.
- Growing my blog more. I’m sure it’s what every blogger wants but I’m excited to put the work in for it!
7 Other Great Bloggers You Should Check Out
I also tag this lovely lot to complete the challenge!
I can’t wait to see what they all come up with.
Thanks for reading and I hope 2019 is an amazing year for everyone!

Aww, this was so fun to read! I’m glad you’ve been able to achieve some great things with your blog, and I hope that continues. Sounds like you’ve got some lovely things to look forward to in 2019, too!
I have really loved following you in 2018 and I’m really excited to see what 2019 holds for you and your blog! I bloody love Thorpe Park and I haven’t been in years either. I really hope your anniversary is as lovely as you’re expecting!
Alice Xx
Carly Bloggs
Aw! Thank you so much Alice! It’s been an absolute pleasure following you this year too! You’re such an inspiration. Thanks again xx
Kendra @ HeartsandHouseshoes
I wanted to say thanks again for tagging me in this challenge. And I also wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award. There is a post on my website about it, as well as a link to your blog. Hope you enjoy it.